Nedan underlag har tagits fram som förslag på hur ”Ticket WFA:er” ska tituleras samt beskrivas. Syftet för detta är att underlätta ockulär överskådning, ordning av WFA:er, identifiering av innehåll samt generell förvaltning. Namnkonventionen minskar även risken för human error och därmed att driftstörningar uppstår.
STAGES (Written in CAPS)
Explanation of STAGES:
DEV = WFA is currently being developed
TEST = WFA is currently being tested
PROD = WFA has been put in production. Changes to this WFA needs authorization from Freshservice system manager
REVIEW = WFA is not working as intended and is currently in review by Customer or Synerity
TBD = A WFA that anyone has marked “To be deleted”
OTD = A WFA that customer has given “OK to delete”
TYPES (Written in CAPS):
Explanation of TYPE
INC = WFA affect an incident
SRQ = WFA affects a service request
BOTH = WFA affects either an incident or a service request
EVENT (Written in CAPS)
The EVENT is the actual event the WFA is triggered by. It can be important that this is part of the naming convention since the order of events can have impact of the WFA execution.
Explanation of EVENTS
CREATE = The starting event of the WFA is when something is created (raised)
UPDATED = The starting event of the WFA is when something is updated
DELETED = The starting event of the WFA is when something is deleted
ITEMADD = The starting event of the WFA is when a requested item is added.
ITEMUPDATE = The starting event of the WFA is when a requested item field is updated
FIELD = The starting event of the WFA is when a ticket is changed FROM something TO something
MULTI = The starting event of the WFA is more than one event
OTHER = The starting event of the WFA is something else not captured by any other of the other EVENT abbreviations.
TAGS (Written in CAPS)
Explanation of TAGS
A tag can be anything to highlight the purpose of the WFA. It might be that it's related to a business function, a vendor or any other kind of purpose.
Title (Written in Lower case)
The title of the WFA summarizes the purpose of the WFA in free text. This can be described in any desired way. Recommended is to hold the titles as short as possible.
Examples of titles
Assign Ticket to the First Responder
Category-Based IT Ticket Routing
Requester respond on closed ticket
In summary the above areas for naming convention is added together to form the rule set for giving the WFA a title.
[STAGE - TYPE - EVENT - TAG - Title]
Examples of Workflow automation title
DEV - SRC - RAISED - DUSTIN - Create computer order
TEST- SRC - RAISED - DUSTIN - Create computer order
PROD - SRC - RAISED - DUSTIN - Create computer order
PROD - BOTH - MULTI - ASSIGNMENT - Assign Ticket to the First Responder
PROD - BOTH - CREATE - ASSIGNMENT - Category-Based IT Ticket Routing
The below abbreviations are recommended to be part of the WFA description. This makes it easier for system administrators to understand the contents of the WFA without going in to them one by one. If a WFA has more than one, just add them comma separated.
Abbreviations and explanation for WFA description
WEBR = WFA hold at least one web request node
MAIL = WFA sends some kind of email
TIME = WFA holds a timer node
ORCH = WFA handles orchestration requests
COBJ = WFA holds at least one custom object node
Workflow automation description
The description of a WFA is important because it lets you give that extra detail to the automation and can therefore explain the purpose in more depth. It's also here possible to manually handle versioning of the WFA.
It's recommended to incorporate some type of versioning of the WFA's description. Even if WFA's don't have a classic versioning structure it makes it easier for incident and change managers to refer to versions when altering WFA. Another document is under work to more clearly define how versions of WFA are managed, maintained and retained.
Example of versioning
DEV = Versions dedicated to WFAs in the stage DEV are 0.1 – 0.9, 1.1 – 1.9, etc
TEST = Doesn't have any type of versioning. Versions are not to be changed during testing.
PROD = Versions dedicated to WFAs in the stage PROD are 1.0, 2.0, etc
REVIEW = Doesn't have any type of versioning. Versions are not to be changed during reviews.
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